
Monday, August 18, 2014

Ingress: A life...

Once there was two opposing faction, the Enlightened and the Resistance. Enlightened believes that through their actions, humanity will be evolving while Resistance believes in preserving the humanity freedom. They fight for their own beliefs by owning portals scattered around the globe.....


I'm tired reading about the game!!!

It all started in COMMS. As each player finds another who is just around the corner, they gather up. Then they tried hanging out with another to search and claim for portals or just farm and exchange gears until a certain bond was created. It became "The Smurfs"... 

Today, they travel almost in every place. They are in jeepneys, in MRTs, at the malls, in restaurants or maybe inside you... Waiting to be discovered! (#IngressRecruits WAHAHAHAHA)

This is the chronicle of adventures of the little critters that has one belief, to play and enjoy...

It was not just a game, but a life for the players....

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