What the fudge are people talking about??!
You're probably feeling lost and couldn't make heads or tails of the jargons being tossed around , you might find the index below helpful...(or not):
farm- hack for gears...lots of it.
gears- resonators, xmps...all the stuff that pops out of portals!
tank/tanker- an agent with a higher level helps a lower agent level up
ign- ingress name, yes...it’s that name you came up with, for reasons we may never know (but seriously hope that you do- what’s in a name anyway?... wait for my next article LOL).
GP- guardian portal...that portal that lasted a lot longer than the rest of your portals...either by accident or design, or by sheer willpower (or cube power?)
GP- guardian portal...that portal that lasted a lot longer than the rest of your portals...either by accident or design, or by sheer willpower (or cube power?)
grind/reso grind- somebody keeps on blasting your portal , and you keep on deploying resonators (this is a very easy way to gain ap...if you have lots of resonators and cubes)
up - (pa up naman!) add your high resonators to a portal
PC- presence challenge , this is requested when the other person wants to meet you/ get proof that you are really in the area. Meeting up or showing proof is not required as per TOS but...it also helps prevent animosity between factions if you show up.
TOS- Terms of Service, that fine line that 70% of us probably didn't read. If you find time...it will be really informative to browse through it www.ingress.com/terms
croc- refers to Agents at level 8, or more who just loves the game way too much to stop. ( i hope to see all of you croc some day ... :)
lowbie- level 1-7 agents.
icecream- you would see a lot of this in faction comms. it's not a code, we just love icecream.
bacon- and we love this even more
bacon icecream- does not exist...gotya! oh wait...sources said it does...
baboy links -wild and messy links which seems impossible to field
lock - e.g 10 portal lock- the number of portals that stays inside the round thing in your scanner.
spoofer- a cheater
blue frog/green smurf - a shmuck who doesn't know the meaning of loyalty.
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